Felix Ritter
QuantiScale: A Study in Redesigning Interactions for Multi-Touch
Felix Ritter, Jumana Al Issawi, and Simon Benten.
Proceedings of 5th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (Chester, UK, September 14–15), pp. 187–193. Eurographics.
Brain-Computer-Interface for Software Control in Medical Interventions
Felix Ritter, Robert Porzel, Fariba Mostajeran Gourtani, and Rainer Malaka.
Proceedings of CURAC Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (Bremen, September 17–19), pp. 131–132. CURAC.
Projector-based Surgeon-computer Interaction on Deformable Surfaces
Bojan Kocev, Felix Ritter, and Lars Linsen.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 9(2):301–312.
Projector-based Surgeon-Computer Interaction on Deformable Surfaces
Bojan Kocev, Felix Ritter, and Lars Linsen.
Proceedings of International Congress for Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS, Heidelberg), pp. 172–173. .
Be Informed, Be Involved: Enhancing the Patient Experience of Oncology Patients
Felix Ritter, Jumana Al Issawi, Valeria Vozzheva, and Simon Benten.
Proceedings of CHI 2013 Workshop on Patient-Clinician Communication (CHI, April 28, Paris, France), pp. epaper. ACM.
Combining Mobile Devices and Medical Workstations for Diagnostic Reading of Medical Images
Felix Ritter, Jumana Al Issawi, Markus Harz, Simon Benten, and Kathy J. Schilling.
i-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 12(1):2–9.
Risk maps for liver surgery
Christian Hansen, Stephan Zidowitz, Felix Ritter, Christoph Lange, Karl Oldhafer, and Horst K. Hahn.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 8(3):419–428.
Medical image-based information system and mobile multitouch display device
Felix Ritter, Markus Harz.
Patent. US20130141366 A1 / DE102011087150A1 . filed and published
Combining Mobile Devices and Workstations for the Reading of Medical Images
Felix Ritter, Markus Harz, Jumana Al Issawi, Simon Benten, and Kathy J. Schilling.
Proceedings of Mensch & Computer (Konstanz, September 9–12), pp. 231–240. Oldenbourg Verlag München.
Risk Maps for Liver Resection Surgery
Christian Hansen, Stephan Zidowitz, Felix Ritter, Christoph Lange, Karl-Jürgen Oldhafer, and Horst-Karl Hahn.
Proceedings of International Congress for Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS, Pisa), pp. 144–145. . (Best Student Paper)
A Novel Workflow-Centric Breast MRI Reading Prototype Utilizing Multitouch Gestures
Markus T. Harz, Felix Ritter, Simon Benten, Kathy J. Schilling, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Digital Mammography / IWDM 2012, pp. 276–283. .
Use Your Hands to Read: A Multitouch Gesture-based User Interface Concept for Medical Image Analysis
Markus Harz, Felix Ritter, Kathy Schilling, and Horst K. Hahn.
RSNA 2011, Chicago.
Medical Image Analysis: A Visual Approach
Felix Ritter, Tobias Boskamp, André Homeyer, Hendrik Laue, Michael Schwier, Florian Link, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
IEEE Pulse, 2(6):60–70.
Concepts for Efficient and Reliable Multi-Modal Breast Image Reading
Horst K. Hahn, Markus T. Harz, Heike Seyffarth, Fabian Zöhrer, Tobias Böhler, Konstantinos Filippatos, Lei Wang, André Homeyer, Felix Ritter, Hendrik Laue, Matthias Günther, Thorsten Twellmann, László Tabár, Ulrich Bick, and Kathy Schilling.
International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM 2010, June 16-18, Girona, Spain), pp. 121–128. .
The Medical Exploration Toolkit - An Efficient Support for Visual Computing in Surgical Planning and Training
Konrad Mühler, Christian Tietjen, Felix Ritter, and Bernhard Preim.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(1):133–146.
Making the PACS Workstation a Browser of Image Processing Software: A feasibility study using inter-process communication techniques
Chunliang Wang, Felix Ritter, and Örjan Smedby.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 5(4):411–419.
Illustrative Visualization of 3D Planning Models for Augmented Reality in Liver Surgery
Christian Hansen, Jan Wieferich, Felix Ritter, Christian Rieder, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 5(2):133–141.
Computerunterstützte Operationsplanung in der Leberchirurgie
Bernhard Preim and Felix Ritter.
Innovationsforum zur Anwendung der Haptik in der robotergestützten Chirurgie (29.–30. October, Magdeburg).
User Interfaces for Direct Interaction with 3D Planning Data in the Operating Room
Felix Ritter, Christian Hansen, Kjen Wilkens, Alexander Köhn, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
i-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 8(1):24–31.
Visual Computing for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Jan Klein, Ola Friman, Markus Hadwiger, Bernhard Preim, Felix Ritter, Anna Vilanova, Gabriel Zachmann, and Dirk Bartz.
Journal of Computers & Graphics, 33(2009):554–565.
Advanced Visual Medicine: Techniques for Visual Exploration & Analysis
Christian Tietjen, Anna Vilanova, Felix Ritter, Stefan Zachow, Steffen Oeltze, Dirk Bartz.
IEEE VisWeek 2008, Columbus, October 19–24.
Advanced Algorithms in Medical Computer Graphics
Jan Klein, Dirk Bartz, Ola Friman, Markus Hadwiger, Bernhard Preim, Felix Ritter, Anna Vilanova, and Gabriel Zachmann.
Eurographics 2008, Crete, April 14–18. State-of-the-Art Report (EG-STAR‘08)
Interactive Visualization of Multimodal Volume Data for Neurosurgical Tumor Treatment
Christian Rieder, Felix Ritter, Matthias Raspe, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of EuroVis 2008 (Eindhoven, May 26–28), pp. 1055–1062. .
METK – The Medical Exploration Toolkit
Christian Tietjen, Konrad Mühler, Felix Ritter, Olaf Konrad, Milo Hindennach, and Bernhard Preim.
Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (Berlin, April 6–8), pp. 407–411. .
Visual Programming for Prototyping of Medical Applications
Felix Ritter.
IEEE Visualization 2007, Sacramento, October 28–November 1. Tutorial: “Introduction to Visual Medicine: Techniques, Applications and Software” by Dirk Bartz, Klaus Mueller, Felix Ritter, Bernhard Preim, and Karel Zuiderveld
Simultaneous Visualization of Preoperative Planning Models and Intraoperative 2D Ultrasound for Liver Surgery
Christian Hansen, Alexander Köhn, Felix Ritter, Stephan Zidowitz, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of Eurographics (Prague, September 3–7), pp. 73–76. .
Visualisierung von Simulationsparametern thermischer Tumorablationsverfahren
Rocco Gasteiger, Felix Ritter, Bernhard Preim, and Tobias Preusser.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung (Magdeburg, March 8–9), pp. 325–340. .
Workflow oriented software support for image guided radiofrequency ablation of focal liver malignancies
Andreas Weihusen, Felix Ritter, Tim Kröger, Tobias Preusser, Stephan Zidowitz, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging 2007 (San Diego, February 17–22), pp. . .
Bayesian Vessel Extraction for Planning of RF-Ablation
Stephan Zidowitz, Johann Drexl, Tim Kröger, Tobias Preusser, Felix Ritter, Andreas Weihusen, Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (Munich, March 25–27), pp. 187–191. .
Towards a workflow oriented software assistance for the radiofrequency ablation
Andreas Weihusen, Felix Ritter, Philippe L. Pereira, Thomas Helmberger, Ralf-Thorsten Hoffmann, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2006: Workshop Softwareassistenten - Computerunterstützung für die medizinische Diagnose und Therapieplanung (Dresden, October 2–6), pp. 507–513. German Informatics society (GI).
Interaktives Illustrieren von Informationsräumen: Räumliche und funktionale Zusammenhänge spielerisch begreifen
Felix Ritter.
Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2005, pp. 135–140. German Informatics society (GI) .
Intraoperative Visualization of Vascular Structures
Felix Ritter, Christian Hansen, Wolfram Lamadé, Bernhard Preim, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of CURAC Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (Hannover, October 12–14), pp. epaper. CURAC.
Brain Structure Visualization using Spectral Fiber Clustering
Jan Klein, Felix Ritter, Horst K. Hahn, Jan Rexilius, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006 (Boston, July 30–August 3) , pp. . .
GPU accelerated registration in two and three dimensions
Alexander Köhn, Johann Drexl, Felix Ritter, Matthias König, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (Hamburg, March 19–21), pp. 261–265. Springer Verlag.
Real-Time Illustration of Vascular Structures
Felix Ritter, Christian Hansen, Volker Dicken, Olaf Konrad, Bernhard Preim, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Journal (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2006, Baltimore, October 29–November 3) , 12(5):877–884.
Intraoperative Adaptation of Preoperative Risk Analysis in Oncological Liver Surgery
Felix Ritter, Milo Hindennach, Wolfram Lamade, Karl Oldhafer, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of CURAC Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (Berlin, September 22–24), pp. epaper. CURAC.
Usability Comparison of Mouse-based Interaction Techniques for Predictable 3d Rotation
Ragnar Bade, Felix Ritter, and Bernhard Preim.
Proceedings of International Symposium on Smart Graphics (Frauenwoerth Cloister, August 22–24), pp. 138–150. ACM.
Virtuelle Operationsplanung: aktueller Stand und Perspektiven
Wolfram Lamadé, Christoph Ulmer, Felix Ritter, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Gerd Otto, and Klaus-Peter Thon.
Chirurgische Gastroenterologie, 21(suppl 2):7-13.
Computerunterstützte Simulation der Wärmeausbreitung bei Radiofrequenzablationen von Lebertumoren mit einem oder mehreren RFA-Applikatoren
Andreas Weihusen, Tobias Preusser, Felix Ritter, Thomas Helmberger, Philippe Pereira, Andre Roggan, Rainer Graumann, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren, 177(S1):ejournal.
Interaktives Illustrieren von Informationsräumen: Räumliche und funktionale Zusammenhänge spielerisch »begreifen«
Felix Ritter.
PhD thesis, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg. Der Andere Verlag, Tönning, Lübeck und Marburg, ISBN 3-89959-391-X.
Computerunterstützung in der Operationsplanung
Karl J. Oldhafer, Milo Hindennach, Felix Ritter, Andrea Schenk, Holger Bourquain, Bernhard Preim, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
DVD-insert in: E. Nagel, D. Löhlein (editors): Pichlmayr´s Chirurgische Therapie (third edition), Springer-Verlag.
Computer-supported Planning and Assessment of Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumors
Felix Ritter, Tobias Preusser, Reiner Graumann, Andreas Weihusen, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of CURAC Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (München, October 8–9), pp. epaper. CURAC.
Virtual Simulation and Training Module in Liver Surgery
Wolfram Lamadé, Felix Ritter, Karl Oldhafer, Arne Littmann, Holger Bourquain, and Heinz-Otto Peitgen.
Proceedings of CURAC Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (Nürnberg, November 4–7), pp. epaper. CURAC.
OpenNPAR: A System for Developing, Programming, and Designing Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
Nick Halper, Tobias Isenberg, Felix Ritter, Bert Freudenberg, Oscar Meruvia, Stefan Schlechtweg, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2003 (Canmore, October 8–10) , pp. 424–428. IEEE Computer Society. (Best Short Paper Award)
Shadows with a Message
Wallace Chigona, Henry Sonnet, Felix Ritter, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of International Symposium on Smart Graphics (Heidelberg, July 2–4) , pp. 91–101. ACM.
Steganographisches Illustrieren: Neue Perspektiven für Try&Buy
Jana Dittmann, Knut Hartmann, Henry Sonnet, Felix Ritter, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Interdisziplinäre Arbeitskonferenz D-A-CH-Security: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven (Erfurt, March 25–26) , pp. 472–484. it Verlag.
Illustrative Shadows: Integrating 3D and 2D Information Displays
Felix Ritter, Henry Sonnet, Knut Hartmann, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces (Miami, January 12–15), pp. 166–173. ACM.
Virtual 3D Jigsaw Puzzles: Studying the Effect of Exploring Spatial Relations with Implicit Guidance
Felix Ritter, Bettina Berendt, Berit Fischer, Robert Richter, and Bernhard Preim.
Proceedings of Mensch & Computer (Hamburg, September 2–5), pp. 363–372. B.G.Teubner. (Best Paper Award)
Techniken zur interaktiven Hervorhebung von Objekten in medizinischen 3D-Visualisierungen
Bernhard Preim and Felix Ritter.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung (Magdeburg, Februar 28 – March 1) , pp. 187–200. SCS European Publishing House.
Bewegung als präemptive Präsentationsvariable in einem interaktiven System
Roland Jesse, Felix Ritter, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung (Magdeburg, Februar 28 – March 1), pp. 275–288. SCS European Publishing House.
Virtual 3D Puzzles: A New Method for Exploring Geometric Models in VR
Felix Ritter, Oliver Deussen, Bernhard Preim, and Thomas Strothotte.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(5):11–13.
Guided Exploration with Dynamic Potential Fields: The Cubical Path System
Steffi Beckhaus, Felix Ritter, and Thomas Strothotte.
IEEE Computer Graphics Forum, 20(4):201–210.
Cubicalpath – Dynamic Potential Fields for Guided Exploration in Virtual Environments
Steffi Beckhaus, Felix Ritter, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics (Hong Kong, October 3–5), pp. 387–395. IEEE Computer Society.
Using a 3D Puzzle as a Metaphor for Learning Spatial Relations
Felix Ritter, Bernhard Preim, Oliver Deussen, and Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of Graphics Interface (Montreal, May 15–17), pp. 171–178. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
A 3D-Puzzle for Learning Anatomy
Bernhard Preim, Felix Ritter, and Oliver Deussen.
Proceedings of International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (Cambridge, September 19–22) , pp. 750–757. Springer-Verlag.
Interaktive Zusammensetzung von 3D-Modellen zur Unterstützung des räumlichen Verständnisses
Bernhard Preim, Oliver Deussen, and Felix Ritter.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung (Magdeburg, March 4–5) , pp. 109–126. SCS European Publishing House.
Interaktives Zusammensetzen von 3D-Modellen zur Unterstützung des räumlichen Verständnisses
Felix Ritter.
Diplom thesis at the Department of Simulation and Graphics, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg.